What are you?

A blog dedicated to four college students' creative adventures and self-growth.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Free hugs and throat funk

When you look like you're on death's doorstep, offering someone a hug is definitely the last thing from your mind. Granted, I did cough on a couple of bratty kids in Walmart hoping they'd get strep throat, but I wasn't about to subject the overall, unassuming populace to my disease.

Last weekend, my throat swelled up like someone punched me in the vocal chords. I thought it was laryngitis because I could barely talk, and while I planned on visiting the GSU Health Clinic after my Monday classes, I still attended albeit a bit off kilter. I was so exhausted from the day, I fell asleep in the doctor's office. I barely opened my mouth before my doctor cried, "Ew!"

"What? I'm sorry, I had soup for lunch!"

"It's not your breath. You have a very bad infection! Definitely strep throat."

Somehow the only thing I could think of was, "But then I won't get to hug people! I'm diseased!"

The doctor sent me home with a big bottle of medicine and an order to nap the rest of Monday. I woke up Tuesday ready to roll! But of course, with a fever, I didn't get very far. Wednesday was much the same, coughing, sleeping and trying to keep up with my classes online. Finally, Thursday I returned to classes, ready to offer hugs to anyone who wanted them. I was sadly derailed by someone who said, "You're back so soon! You should stay away from me... I can't get sick."

Alas, fate rejected me once more. Another day of medicine in, however, I was ready to take on the challenge. Late Friday I received a call from a friend saying he and some others were going to see Suckerpunch at the Mall of Georgia. I put on some clean clothes, trying to definitely look friendly (hey, some people are intimidated by a loud, six foot girl), and headed for the bookstore. It was a midnight movie, so we had some time to burn. We drank coffee in the bookstore, and I offered hugs to anyone who wanted them.

While the quiet bookstore attendees were a bit skeptical of my offer, I hugged the entire staff of the coffee shop (including the barista who gave me a bigger drink size for free). The movie goers, however, were extremely excited to see a movie with hot chicks wielding guns and swords. It was almost like shooting fish in a barrel. I offered a hug, and everyone wanted one! Everyone was so pumped up to see the "new IT film" they let their energy out any way they could. Hugging was like a way that we passed on our excitement, and we passed our two hour wait in the near-empty mall with ease.

Would I offer free hugs again? Sure! Hopefully I won't be carrying the black plague with me next time!

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